Dates in Report Headers
When you format the widths of columns in a report, such as a board report, you have to be careful with dates to make sure they are...

Double Clicking in a cell to take you directly to the source of data of the formula is possibly one of the most useful tricks available...

Copying cells and pasting them in to visible cells can be a problem. This is a problem when you drag the cell contents down as well as...

UPPER, LOWER and PROPER are three functions that are very useful and help you save time and help ensure consistency. These three...

Many (thousands of) Rows
We often analyse files containing many hundreds or thousands of rows, with multiple columns of data. With this amount of data it can be...

Cell NAMES (Names part 1)
We use NAMES to define cells all the time. It's so much easier to understand formula. As part of any good design we set one tab to be a...

Spreadsheet v Database
A question that we are being asked more and more is “When should I use a database rather than a spreadsheet?” Excel and Access are, in...

AutoCorrect Tricks
Do you have a problem that sometimes your fingers can't type at the same speed as you would like? Well I do, whether its simple words...

Hash # Errors and IFERROR
One of my bugbears is a report that includes a # error, such as #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL! My eye is drawn...

Excel SUBTOTAL Function
The SUBTOTAL function can be used with a variety of calculations, such as SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT and many more. We will look at the most...